cyclical rhythms

cyclical rhythms

we are not designed to move and operate and navigate our lives at the same pace all year round.

in the summer, we have the concentrated energy from the sun to power and fuel all parts of who we be, generating pace and speed and activity.

In the winter and darker months, we are conditioned to continue at the speed of our summer selves, when in reality, our bodies and cells are begging for a moment to slow, to quiet, and to go inward.

for many of us, that may look like getting in bed earlier.

for others, that may look like saying no to more proposals to gather.

if we are following a local and seasonal method of nourishment, that would certainly look like shifting the foods we consume, aligning with those that are grown near to our homes and abodes, as opposed to ones that are grown many miles and oceans away.

in the chance that you are one of the many individuals looking to lean more into your innate needs and desires, may this video and caption be just that.

it is okay to slow down.
it is okay to rest.
it is okay to say no.

it is okay to give yourself what your body innately needs.

this season and onwards.


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