when the vitality just isn’t there

lacking force

when we are lacking force, where do you go?

do you go into shame, self-judgment, frustration?


do you go into softness, compassion, repose, pause?

in the observation of diminished force, how we care for ourselves matters — physically, chemically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

in a moment of diminished force, it is important to recognize that it may not be time to take radical action, but to soften into the moments that fill the hours that fill the days in acceptance, self-love, and trust that there will be a way through and back to increased vitality.

despite how we culturally are guided to constantly engage, output, and produce, quite simply, it may just not be the time.

and you know what?

it is OKAY.

if you’ve feeling like you’re in a moment, a day, or a season of retreat and introspection, know that it is okay as you rekindle your vital force.

and the reality is?

it will return just in time. ✨


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